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Leadership Training

A good team is dictated and limited by the individual’s ability to listen, co-operate and occasionally to acquiesce to the greater cause. Too smaller team and you will see diminished creativity and perspective, too larger team and the division of sub-groups can form as well as the potential for increased conflict.

Through an afternoon People Management Course, with our renowned coach, along with the assistance of performers from Verbal Entertainment, your colleagues and employees are taken through a challenging, enlightening and liberating course that develops both their emotional intelligence as well as their ability to listen and learn from their friends and colleagues.

Our coach has over twenty years experience in working with leaders across Europe in both the private and public sectors. Calling on Neuro Linguistics Programming (NLP), cognitive- behavioural and ontological principles as well as the latest research on E.Q. (Emotional Intelligence) amongst others, her range of coaching methods is eclectic and based on empathy, rigour and creativity.

A professionally qualified Coach Mentor with an Advanced Certificate in Coaching and Mentoring from the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development and the Oxford School of Coaching and Mentoring, awarded in association with Oxford Brookes University. Also a member of the CIPD's Coaching at Work network, the AC and the OCM's co-coaching forums. She coaches in English or French and has coached individuals of most EU nations. Accredited with the European Commission and Associate of the Association for Coaching.

Verbal Entertainment began work in 2002 to work specifically at the top end of Corporate Hospitality, Training and Entertainment. Since then they have supplied many of the UK’s and World’s top Companies, working from the UK and Europe through to the Middle East. Working extensively with the UK’s Police force, to train them in their understanding of Body language, interpersonal skills and personal management - achieving a certificate of recognition for their contribution to the development of Surrey Police’s new Management Structure from the current Chief Superintendent, as well as working on a long term contract with one of the worlds leading formula one teams. Their role is to support and facilitate our coaches techniques in a way that would not be possible without the diversity, emotional sensitivity and malleability of their performers.

The course is based around a forum theatre environment that offers real life management situations and circumstances for the teams and potential managers to solve. Everyone has the opportunity to participate, influence, rewind, pause and hot seat throughout the experience as well as get a full perspective of the actors mental thoughts throughout the process. In our experience we believe we offer a unique training scenario that although at times can be frustrating can also be enlightening, liberating and hugely rewarding. If you have any further questions or theories about the methods and techniques we use please do contact us. On behalf of Verbal Entertainment we look forward to working with you and helping you develop as a team.

Forum Theatre – What is it?